Good morning Karen, Because you likely have clients who either hired new employees last year or bought qualifying equipment or technology, I’m writing you about the Kentucky Small Business Tax Credit (KSBTC) program. If a Kentucky business has 50 or fewer full-time employees and either (1) hired new employees or (2) purchased certain equipment or […]
KFBIAA Board Meeting December Minutes
12/05/2014 KFBIAA Board Meeting Galt House in Louisville, KY 1:30 pm est Minutes: In attendance: Hunter Bowen, Roger Fannin, Pat Hargadon, John Beavin, James Runion, Bill Cornett, Dan Vickery, Danny Luttrell, Mickey Sirls, Natalie Mudd, Nathan Franklin, Marlene Lawson, Courtney Roberts, Greg Shouse, J O Osborne, Karen Little, Ryan Knoth, T C Sanderfur, John McCuiston, […]
A New President Elected at 2014 KFBIAA Convention
Dear Fellow Agents: I want to extend my appreciation for everyone’s support and kind words of encouragement following my election as President of The Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Agents Association during the KFBIAA 38th Annual Convention. The agent’s part in the success of Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Companies cannot be overstated. From the very beginning […]
2013 KFBIAA Conference Recap
Dear Fellow Agents, Congratulations on another successful convention! As you know, many folks pitched in to make this year’s convention enjoyable, but it was the many agents from across our state that really made it a success. I thank you for your support and interest. Your presence demonstrates your concern and dedication to your fellow […]
Prayers and Thoughts for Wilson
Dear Agent’s Association, As many of you know, Wilson, Mark Haney’s grandson, is in Kosair Children’s Hospital. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through treatment for leukemia. We pray that God works his miracle! Your President, Mickey Sirls