KFBIAA Board Meeting
Galt House in Louisville, KY
1:30 pm est
In attendance: Hunter Bowen, Roger Fannin, Pat Hargadon, John Beavin, James Runion, Bill Cornett, Dan Vickery, Danny Luttrell, Mickey Sirls, Natalie Mudd, Nathan Franklin, Marlene Lawson, Courtney Roberts, Greg Shouse, J O Osborne, Karen Little, Ryan Knoth, T C Sanderfur, John McCuiston, Mark Herring, Mike Reynolds
Roger Fannin called meeting to order.
Pat Hargadon read minutes from last meeting. Bill Cornett made motion to approve and Mark Herring seconded. Motion passed.
John Beavin gave financial report. Convention was a loss at about $9000. John McCuiston made motion to approve report and seconded by Dan Vickery. Motion passed.
James Runion gave convention report. Discussion of new venue took place. Price of current location and the service are driving reasons for current venue. Bill Cornett suggested Bel Terra as an option. There was a discussion about what type entertainment for next year’s convention. No decisions were made.
Roger Fannin discussed the ways to attract more people to attend the annual convention and to join the association. Dialogue regarding a quarterly newsletter and info on website took place. There plans to be a newsletter sent to all agents and hopefully the home office will let us use email system. Karen Little and John Beavin discussed issue with website not notifying agents of new topics on website. This is in the process of being fixed.
There was discussion regarding dues rate. Nathan Franklin made motion to increase dues to $150 for agency managers, $75 for agents and $25 for validation agents. Bill Cornett seconded and motion passed.
There was more discussion on how to recruit new members to KFBIAA. Karen Little and J O Osborne stated they call new agents and tell them about KFBIAA. It was discussed that newer agents be given the history of the organization and that agency managers need to get their agents involved in the association. T C Sanderfur let everyone know that he continued to call agents in his district to try and obtain 100% participation.
Each district president was asked to give a report. Topics included:
• Earthquake discussion
• Recruitment of new agents and the holdback of books in counties where the home office wanted more agents
• Nationwide push in certain areas of the state especially in the farm insurance side
• The importance of watching loss occurrence report
• Dan Vickery’s retirement
• Agent’s commission rates on autos being too low
• Problems with credit reports changing tiers. Home office is aware of issue and working on problem with Lexis Nexus
• Comeback letters and following up on the phone
• Agency manager training school and the problem with taking agents off the list of candidates after they have gone thru the expense of the class
No more discussion. Bill Cornett made motion to adjourn and seconded by Dan Vickery.
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