Dear Fellow Agents,
Congratulations on another successful convention! As you know, many folks pitched in to make this year’s convention enjoyable, but it was the many agents from across our state that really made it a success. I thank you for your support and interest. Your presence demonstrates your concern and dedication to your fellow agents and your association.
This is my last year serving as convention chair. I want to say what a pleasure it has been serving you as chairman of this event. I have certainly learned a few things about the hosting business. Most importantly, I have learned what great agents we have all across this state. The convention is truly your event. By taking the time to show up, you have made our association stronger, and we all will be better because of it.
Our new second Vice President, James Runion, will now assume the chairman’s duties. Any ideas or suggestions you have to make our next convention bigger and better please feel free to contact James or myself.
Thanks so much KFB AGENTS!
Roger Fannin
First Vice President
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