Dear Fellow Agents:
I want to extend my appreciation for everyone’s support and kind words of encouragement following my election as President of The Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Agents Association during the KFBIAA 38th Annual Convention. The agent’s part in the success of Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Companies cannot be overstated. From the very beginning of our company the agents have and will remain to be the backbone of this great organization. I firmly believe our agency force is among the best you will find anywhere and I am so honored to represent you.
I want to thank you for supporting our executive team. James Runion first Vice President, Pat Hargadon second Vice President, Hunter Bowen Secretary and John Beavin Treasurer. I am extremely satisfied in knowing we have a great team in place to help lead our organization. I want to thank our board of directors for the time and energy they give and for truly wanting to do what is best for the agency force. I would also like to thank past President Mickey Sirls for his time and efforts in his leadership of our organization.
We must keep in mind, our opinion matters when it comes to developing company policies and overall company direction. It is very important for us to have every agent and agency manager in our state active in our Association. Unity can move mountains and we must be able to speak with a single voice to promote policy and positive change that we support.
I am just like you. I work with our local members daily. I want what’s fair for my insured’s and I want what is best for our agents and their staffs. In coming weeks and months I look forward to hearing from you and carrying our message on to the state insurance and federation leaders. I am also planning to make visits throughout the state in 2015 to meet and hear directly from you.
If you have any issues that you need to discuss with me, please feel free to contact me anytime. My personal cell number is 606 505-5101 and my office phone is 606 573-4575.
Roger Fannin
President Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Agents Association
I want to first say how much I appreciate the years of service that Mickey Sirls gave the Association. If not for his leadership, we would have to swallow the changes in the earthquake program much differently than we do today. As bad as it taste, it could have been much worse This is just one example of the many issues he tackled for us. Thank You Mickey!!
I also want to thank Roger for taking over as president, and the face of our Association. Most poeple do not realize how much time the job takes and how important that role is to the success and influence that the Association has with KFB Federation and Insurance Company. Good Luck Roger and we are all here to support you.
I really appreciate everything Mickey has done for our association since he has been president. I also would like to thank Roger for agreeing to become our next president and wish him the best in this new role.
Thanks, Mickey, for your years of service. The many stories to be told of the association history over the years, would take HOURS! The history of the KFBIAA, as well as the company itself, is pretty amazing, really. I am thinking of all these things, these days, since my dad is about to retire after 51 years. He was there, at the beginning of the association, along with Mickey’s dad. What an amazing place to not only work, as an adult, but to literally grow up in!
Thank you, Roger, for becoming president. As John said…we are all here to support you!