Policy Committee

by Ricky Greenwell KFBIAA members, I need your help. My name is Ricky Greenwell, Agency Manager, McCracken County Farm Bureau Broadway Office, and KFBIAA Vice President. I am currently serving on the Policy Committee in the State Office and our task is to come up with three ideas that can be implemented easily in the next few months […]

Validating Agent Perspective

by Willie Colston My name is Willie Colston and I am an agent in the Lyndon office of Jefferson Co. I wanted to write about my journey a little bit to encourage any validating agents or agents just coming off validation. I am finishing up my last month of validation and I’m excited about what […]

KFB’s Grassroots Heritage

by Hunter Bowen Now I am not a historian for Kentucky Farm Bureau and do not claim to know all the reasons why the Federation of Kentucky Farm Bureau started the Insurance Company. I have been told that the Federation wanted to help the rural community have an outlet to obtain insurance at a competitive […]

President’s Report for November

The insurance board of KFB met Monday, November 19 at the home office. It was announced that the KFBloss ratio, as of October 31 was 110.96. This figures in a $5.9 million underwriting profit for October, even though auto was not profitable in October. So let’s see, that’s 3 out of the last 4 months that we have […]

Agency Perspective by Michael Davis

Rip off the mirror and keep driving Kentucky Farm Bureau has spent a lot of time and effort to explain to all of us how the actions of our past have us where we are today. Yes, I get it. I suppose it’s the thought that if we do not remember our past we are […]

Out of County Business: Problems or Partnership?

by Danny J Luttrell Since I started with Farm Bureau in 1988, it seems that “out of county” business has always been a hot topic of discussion among the agency force. I have seen some agents get so angry in various meetings when discussing problems with out of county business, that I was afraid they would […]