I’m Pat Hargadon, Kentucky Farm Bureau Agency Manager and KFBIAA President for the 5th District. I represent Agents in the central Kentucky area, and have been with Kentucky Farm Bureau 26 years – With 12 of those years as agency manager. We have a staff of 17 and try to serve the membership at every opportunity presented.
We all realize the industry as well as KFB face challenges due to weather and poor returns on investment. Our mission is to serve the nearly 8,000 members here in Shelby County with the best service possible while growing and attempting to remain profitable.
While I am very excited about this website, the one thing I would really like to see the association achieve is the formation of some type of peer group. Even with 26 years at the Bureau I still seek the advice and counsel of my peers and friends.
Kudos to those guys and ladies who founded our organization, and who have allowed it to become our association and voice.
Pat Hargadon, Agency ManagerKentucky Farm Bureau Insurance
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